With hundreds of locations we're busy bees at Aruma! Browse through some of our latest news and updates.
Aruma (formerly House with No Steps and The Tipping Foundation) Media requests: Ingrid Nason, at ingrid.nason@aruma.com.au or 0448 723 060.
An important update about confirmed cases of COVID-19. On Tuesday 18 August 2020, Aruma has had 17 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Victoria.
It’s official. We are one year old! Hip hip hooray! Celebrate with us and watch our birthday video!
An important update about confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Victoria as at 3:30pm on Thursday 6 August 2020.
An important update about confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Melbourne's Northern Suburbs as at 4:30pm on Tuesday 28 July 2020.
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has announced a new price guide for 2020-2021 for your NDIS supports. Find out more about what this means.
An important update from Aruma CEO, Andrew Richardson, about our relaxed protocols.
Please read an important message from the Aruma Fundraising team around unauthorised activity.
An important update from Aruma COO, Laz Cotsios, about changes to our businesses because of COVID-19.
An important update from Aruma CEO, Andrew Richardson, about changes and closures of some Support Services because of COVID-19.
Aruma’s response to COVID-19. Our focus is on keeping our staff and customer safe.
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