With hundreds of locations we're busy bees at Aruma! Browse through some of our latest news and updates.
Aruma (formerly House with No Steps and The Tipping Foundation) Media requests: Ingrid Nason, at ingrid.nason@aruma.com.au or 0448 723 060.
Thank you to all of our staff who will be working over the upcoming holidays.
Our Victorian customers hit up the local ice rink and discover a new way to chill.
Staff from NSW, VIC and QLD come together to support our flood affected sites.
This year our customer Abdullah celebrated his special day with his very first birthday party and it was a success!
As of today - 1 November, single-use plastic straws will be banned across New South Wales.
Head along in person across or jump online for sessions held across three states.
Check out our customer Grant's brilliant cooking skills!
Our bikkies are popping up in even more places! Find out more about our latest partnership.
We are focused on supporting our customers and staff across Victoria who have been significantly impacted by floods.
Our new CEO weighs in on the issue of people with a disability getting stuck in hospitals and aged care homes.
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