With Supported Employment you’ll earn your own money, get experience and become part of the amazing Aruma team!
Video content description: A video about Supported Employment at Aruma
For people with a disability who are not able to work without support, Australian Disability Enterprises such as Aruma offer what’s called Supported Employment.
To be eligible for Supported Employment, you must have a Disability Support Pension (DSP) and an NDIS plan.
To find out more about the Supported Employment opportunities available, call us on 1300 538 746
At Aruma (formerly House with No Steps and The Tipping Foundation), we can help you find a job you’ll love through one of our Supported Employment businesses.
Aruma has eight businesses across New South Wales and Queensland. All our businesses offer Supported Employment.
Our Supported Employees work in different roles. We have gardeners, receptionists, biscuit manufacturers, recyclers, tour guides, cooks, and more.
You’ll not only earn your own money, you’ll get experience, training, support, and become part of the amazing Aruma team!
Once you are part of our Aruma team, we can help you to learn new skills to reach the goals in your NDIS plan.
These skills can also help you find a job in open employment down the track.
This can include getting your:
No, you do not need any experience or qualifications to join the Aruma Supported Employee team.
Instead, our supervisors and trainers will provide you with training and support every step of the way.
Your NDIS funding sits in your core supports and is called Supports in Employment in your NDIS plan.
You will also need to have a Disability Support Pension (DSP).
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has announced a new price guide for 2020-2021 for your NDIS supports and a new funding model for employment.
For information on the New Employment Model (NEM) visit the NDIS website or read our NEM FAQs.
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