Aruma is committed to working with its suppliers to establish and maintain ethical, sustainable and socially responsible operations and supply chains.
Our Supplier Principles document is available to you here or you can request a copy from us.
Aruma Supplier Principles tells you about:
Here is a summary of some important aspects of the Supplier Principles.
Aruma’s values of Bold – we speak up; Respectful – we respect each other; Authentic – we do what we say; Value teamwork – we do things together; Excellent – we do things well, are fundamental to all our operations and activities. In our relationships with suppliers, and with those involved at all levels in the supply chain, we strive to be honest and transparent and to uphold the right to fairness and dignity for all people.
Our Supplier Principles apply to all suppliers of goods and compliance with these is mandatory. Aruma expects that its suppliers will ensure that their employees, representatives and sub-contractors adhere to the obligations including maintaining ethical, sustainable and socially responsible operations and supply chain.
View our Supplier Principles
Aruma encourages its suppliers to notify Aruma of any material failure or concerns they have about Aruma’s compliance with the Supplier Principles.
Any notifications can be made to:
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