Speech Pathology for adults

Want to try to improve your communications skills and how you relate to others? Speech Pathology could help you! It may also help with swallowing and eating challenges.

What is Speech Pathology?

Speech Pathologists work with people with a disability to try to help them improve their communication skills and how they interact with others. They are trained allied health professionals.

Speech Pathology may also help if you have problems swallowing food or drinking safely.

How can Speech Pathology help me?

Speech Pathology may assist to improve how you communicate with those around you. This might include:

  • Talking skills and confidence
  • Reading and writing skills
  • Listening and understanding things better
  • Improving your speech and voice control
  • Advice on communication aids and devices

Speech Pathology can also help you with mealtimes. This might include:

  • Learning how to chew and swallow
  • Finding the best food and textures for you to eat

Speech Pathology services at Aruma

At Aruma, we know that everyone is different, which means the support you receive will be as individual as you!

Our Speech Pathologists work collaboratively to understand your needs and goals to customise your support.  This may include teaching you new skills and recommending assistive devices that could help you better express yourself. This in turn may improve your confidence and ability to connect with others.

If you have challenges with eating and swallowing, they may also be able to find ways to make it easier to enjoy mealtimes.

What can I expect from an Aruma Speech Pathologist?

First up, your Speech Pathologist will want to get to know you. What your goals are and what you want to achieve.

From there they will work together to develop a plan that’s just right for you.  As well as provide support to learn and practice new skills.

Your family and carers are very much part of this journey so they are very welcome to be involved!

To find out how we could help you, get in touch for a personalised chat.

Where does Aruma provide Speech Pathology?

Services for older children + adults

For children over 9+ and adults, we offer adult Speech Pathology in:

  • Brisbane, Qld
  • Melbourne, Vic (at our children’s therapy services in Bayswater and Bundoora)

We are growing our Speech Pathology services in NSW, Qld, and Vic. So, if your location is not listed, call us anyway!

Contact our team today on 1300 538 746 or enquiries@aruma.com.au, to see how we can help!

Services for young children

For kids aged up to 9 years, we provide Speech Pathology services in the locations below:

  • Northern NSW: (Ballina, Lismore, Alstonville, and surrounds)
  • New England: (Armidale, Tamworth, Glen Innes, and surrounds)
  • Brisbane, Qld
  • Melbourne, Vic (at our children’s therapy services in Bayswater and Bundoora)

We also offer other disability services across New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, and the ACT.


NDIS Support Categories

The NDIS provides funding for Therapy Supports.

The most common NDIS categories of support include Improved Daily Living.