What you need to know

What you need to know, written in an easy to understand way.

What you need to know

It is written in an easy to understand way.
We use pictures to explain things.

What is in this policy

Your rights

Keeping your personal information private

Keeping you safe from MEAN

Complaints and feedback

Conflict of interest

Supports in an Emergency or Disaster

Talking about your rights

Aruma respects your right to choose your supports

This means you pick the supports you need to reach your goals

We will not make choices for you

We will communicate with you in the way that works best for you. This might be using words, signs, technology or in other ways that work for you

We will share information so you can pick your supports and how they are provided

We will treat you with respect

We can include your trusted family, friend or an independent advocate when you pick your supports

We will explain information and our policies to help you choose

We can show you where to find other service providers

Keeping your personal information private

Aruma will keep your personal information private

Privacy means that any personal information about you must not be told or shown to anyone.

Personal information means anything that is about you.

It includes:
anything that is written about you

anything with your image in it.
For example a video of you.

anything that is said about you.

What personal information does Aruma keep?

Information that helps us understand the best way to support you.

For example information about:
your health and safety

your money

your family and relationships

what you do each day
for example where you work.

Where does Aruma keep personal information about me?

When you get support from Aruma your personal information is kept in a file.

The file is locked in a cupboard at the Aruma office.

Your personal information is also kept on the computer in a program.

We will make sure no one else sees your personal information when we do not need to keep it anymore.

Can I look at my file?


You can ask questions about your information.

Staff will explain it to you.

You can have a copy of your file to keep.

If you are under 18 years old, staff will help you to make an appointment to see your file.

How does Aruma make sure my personal information is kept private?

All staff have to read the privacy policy.

They have to sign a form and promise to follow the privacy policy.

Staff have to ask you before they share any of your personal information with anyone.

They will go through a form called the Information Sharing Toolkit with you when they want to share your information.

Another person who is called a witness has to watch while staff go through the form with you.

Keeping you safe from MEAN

What is MEAN?

MEAN is Mistreatment Exploitation Abuse and Neglect.

MEAN is when someone treats
you badly.

MEAN is when someone does not respect your human rights.

MEAN is never OK.

M is for Mistreatment

Mistreatment is when someone treats you badly or is cruel to you.

Mistreatment is things like
Someone bullying you or making fun of you.

Not letting you do something you want to do.

E is for Exploitation

Exploitation is when someone takes advantage of you.

Exploitation is things like
Someone taking your money without you knowing.

Using your photo without you saying it is ok.

A is for Abuse

Abuse is when someone hurts you or treats you badly.

Abuse can be verbal, physical, emotional or sexual.

For example
someone touching you where you do not want to be touched.

N is for Neglect

Neglect is when someone does not give you the care or the help you need.

Neglect is things like
someone ignoring you

someone not giving you enough food.


Discrimination is when someone treats you unfairly because of things you can not change like

Living with a disability

Your age

Your race or where you come from

Your sex

Your relationship or whether you are pregnant or have children

Your identity and who you are attracted to

Discrimination is against the law

Aruma staff respect you and will not discriminate against you

We will support you if you are discriminated against by someone else

We can talk about what to do if something is bad and what you can do to stop it

What do I do if someone treats me badly?

If someone treats you badly it is your right to tell someone.

You should tell someone you trust like a friend, family or Aruma staff.

You can call 000 and tell the police.

You can make a complaint.

What happens after I tell someone?

Everyone at Aruma must follow these steps straight away.

1. Make sure you and everyone around you is safe.

2. Call 000 in an emergency.

3. Get medical help for anyone who needs it.

4. Tell their manager.

5. Keep your details private and only tell people who need to know.

What will the manager do?

1. Make sure things have been
done right.

2. Ask everyone involved if they want to talk to someone about it.

3. Make sure you do not have to be near the person who treated you badly.

4. Aruma may contact the police if the law has been broken.

5. Make sure everything is written down and kept safe.

6. Help you contact an advocate.
An advocate is someone you can trust.
An advocate can help you to know about your rights and support you.

What happens next?

7. There will be an investigation to find out what happened.

8. This will start within 5 days.

9. Aruma will write a report so you will not be treated badly again.

Complains and feedback

What is a complaint?

A complaint is something you are not happy about.
This can be about anything at Aruma for example a service or a person.

What is feedback?

Feedback is sharing your ideas and feelings about anything at Aruma.
Feedback can be about good or bad things or about making something better.

What does Aruma think of complaints and feedback?

Your complaints and feedback help Aruma respect your human rights.
It helps them be a better organisation.

Everyone has the right to make complaints and give feedback.

Aruma welcomes complaints and feedback from anyone.

How can I make a complaint or
give feedback?

1. You can tell someone who works for Aruma that you want to make a complaint or give feedback.

2. You can ring Aruma on 1300 725 748.

3. You can write a letter or send an email to Aruma feedback@aruma.com.au

4. You can make a complaint or give feedback on the Aruma website

What will happen when I make a complaint or give feedback?

1. People who work at Aruma need to make it easy for you to make a complaint or give feedback.
They will help you to do it.

2. They will ask you what you
want to happen.

3. Your complaint or feedback will be reported to the manager.

4. Your complaint or feedback will be put in the computer system.

What will the manager do?

1. Contact you within 1 working day to find out all the facts.

2. Make sure they understand your complaint or feedback.

3. Stay in contact with you to make sure you know what is happening.

4. Contact you before 2 weeks to tell you what has been done about your complaint or feedback.

What happens if I am not happy with what has been done?

You can dispute what has been done.
This means saying you do not agree with what has been done.

A more senior manager will find out all the facts about the complaint or feedback.
They will then contact you.

The Aruma Investigators and Complaints Coordinators will check the computer system to see what has been done.

They will tell the manager’s boss if things have not been done right.

Conflict of interest

What is a conflict of interest?

When someone does not do their job properly because they are interested in something else.

For example
They might be best friends with a customer.
They might give that customer better services than other customers.

They might be dating their manager. Their manager might not make sure they follow the rules of Aruma.

They might be getting paid to work at a different service as well as at Aruma.
They might ask Aruma customers to use that other service.

They might have more than one job to do at Aruma. One of their jobs might not get done properly.

For example someone might need to do a special investigation to make sure a Aruma service followed all the rules.

An investigation means trying to carefully find out exactly what happened.

The boss in that service should not also have the job of doing the investigation.

The boss of that service might not want the investigation to show that the rules were not followed.

All Aruma staff have to make sure there is no conflict of interest in their work at Aruma.

They have to treat it seriously even if it just looks like there is a conflict of interest.
They have to do this even if there is not really a conflict of interest.

What should staff do if there is a conflict of interest?

Tell the boss or someone in human resources.
Write a report about it in a computer program called Periscope.

The staff and their boss have to make a plan to get rid of the conflict of interest.

Getting a different staff member to support customers who are family members.

Not going to meetings with a different disability service if that staff member also works for that disability service.

Not taking presents from customers. It might make the staff give that customer better support than other customers.

How does Aruma make sure there is not a conflict of interest with NDIS customers?

Aruma helps some NDIS customers choose from different disability services to get support.

Aruma can also give those customers support.

This might make it seem like they will try to get customers to choose Aruma to get support.

This can make it seem like there might be a conflict of interest.

Staff must always explain this policy to NDIS customers who get Support Coordination.

What other services can Aruma give to customers?

There are lots of different types of services Aruma can give.

For example we can help customers to:
learn and play

make friends

learn how to get a job

use transport.

Do I have to use Aruma
or services?


You can choose any Service Provider.
There is a list on the NDIS website.

There are lots of other Service Providers who can give you:

Support Coordination

Any other type of service.

You do not have to choose Aruma for other services when you get:

Coordination of Supports from

If you choose other service providers it will not affect the way we give you coordination of supports.

Specialist Disability Accommodation is a house, flat or villa that is just right for you.

The house makes your support safer and better.
If you live in Specialist Disability Accommodation you might like to report a problem with the house.

We will make a report in our computer system.

The manager and a senior person will see the report.
This helps to make sure we do the right thing.

Supports in an Emergency or Disaster

What is an emergency or disaster?

An emergency or disaster is something that happens that makes you unsafe

It can happen inside or outside


An explosion

Very strong weather

Loss of power

Loss of gas

Loss of water

Loss of home phone line

The COVID-19 Pandemic

How will Aruma keep you safe?

Aruma will make a plan with you for what will happen if there is an emergency.

Your emergency plan will cover:
– What supports you need for your health and safety.

– How an emergency might affect your supports.

– How Aruma will reduce or prevent problems in an emergency.

– How your supports might change if there is an emergency.

– What each person will do if there is an emergency.

– Who you want us to talk to if there is an emergency.

– How we will talk to you and your family or carer in an emergency.

The type of emergency plan that we make with you will depend on the level of support Aruma gives you.

We will review this plan with you every year or sooner if something changes.

We will make this emergency plan with you when you join Aruma.