Behaviour Support for adults

Behavioural Support works to understand why a person may engage in inappropriate, challenging, or unsafe behaviour.

Behaviour Support at Aruma

At Aruma (formerly House with No Steps and The Tipping Foundation), we can help to understand why a person with a disability may engage in inappropriate, challenging, or unsafe behaviours, and work together to find positive solutions.

How will Aruma find out why a person is using a behaviour?

To help us find out why a person is engaging in behaviours that are concerning, we start with:

  • Gathering and reading relevant reports – from schools, Occupational Therapists, and other health professionals
  • Listening to family members, support staff, and others who know the person well like their GP
  • Spending time and talking to the person with a disability in lot of different settings, to see how they respond and feel

What strategies or solutions will Aruma suggest?

What we suggest will depend on the person and their needs but there are lots of different strategies.

We might look at:

  • Skills training so a person no longer needs to use certain behaviours
  • Communication training
  • Changes that could be made to the home or environment
  • Ways to respond safely if the person does use a behaviour

Does Aruma provide Behaviour Support training?

Yes, we do!

Families and carers may need education and training around how to implement the recommended strategies. Our team will help make sure everyone understands the plan and that the plan is effective.

We can also provide training to small groups in the areas of:

  • Sexuality and relationships skills development
  • Social skills development
  • Emotional self-regulation

Does Aruma also have Behaviour Support for children?

Yes! We have both services for both children and adults.

Learn about Behaviour Support for children

Where does Aruma provide Behaviour Support?

We provide Behaviour Support services across New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland including these locations below.

Contact our team today on 1300 538 746 or, to see how we can help!

  • Newcastle/Hunter NSW: (Newcastle, Maitland, Lake Macquarie, and surrounds)
  • Central Coast NSW: (Gosford, Wyong, and surrounds)
  • Western NSW: (Forbes, Parkes and surrounds)
  • Sydney NSW (metro and surrounds)
  • Southern NSW/ACT (Illawarra, South Coast, Canberra, and surrounds)
  • Northern Rivers NSW
  • Mid-North Coast NSW
  • South East Qld: (Brisbane, Burleigh Heads, Gold Coast, Logan, and surrounds)
  • Northern Qld: Townsville and surrounds
  • Melbourne Vic (metro and surrounds)
  • Regional Vic (Ballarat, Shepparton, Alexandria, Horsham, Gisborne, Swan Hill, Mildura, Gippsland (telehealth) and Echuca)

We also offer other disability services across New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, and the ACT.


NDIS Participants

The NDIS provides funding for Therapy and Clinical Supports.

The most common NDIS categories of support include Improved Daily Living, Improved Relationships, and Support Coordination.

Please note: We bill in line with the NDIS Price Guide, which generally increases annually.