Summerland Farm and our Newcastle Businesses host amazing open days.
Last Wednesday, with friendly faces and open arms, Summerland Farm and our Newcastle Businesses welcomed locals to see what we’re all about. The showcase was a great way to highlight the different jobs on offer and vacant positions to fill.
In Newcastle, our Metalwork, Medical Packs, Woodworks, Facility Services, and Laundry teams were on show and boy, did they sparkle!
“We had a great day with lots of positive feedback and we took some great photos. I’d like to thank all the business staff for all the effort and engagement in the tours. I heard many comments about how amazing, engaging, excited and passionate our business staff are as we left each site,” said Emma Featherstone, Employment Support Team Leader.
Fifteen locals joined the morning tour, and nine came along for the ride in the afternoon.
“A big shout out to Gary Orr and Justin Murphy for being our dedicated drivers and helping with logistics. I’d also like to thank the lovely Karen Mccraw, our new Newcastle recruitment advisor, who jumped in with both feet to help with the tours and questions after only one week in the role,” continued Emma.
Over in Alstonville at Summerland Farm, the showcase attracted a mix of locals, including people with a disability looking for employment, their families and support networks, people who work in the disability sector, and the general public.
By the end of the day approximately 50+ people had come through the doors. Attendees enjoyed tours of different parts of the farm and listened to talks from our team leaders and Supported Employees about what it’s like to work at our beautiful farm.
“The standout moments of the day were the positive feedback we received from the attendees. They were interested and engaged, asking a lot of questions about how to move forward with the employment processes,” said Tamika Townsend, Employment Support Team Leader.
NBN News attended the Summerland Farm Showcase, and you can check out their coverage here.
Thank you to everyone who made both events a success.
We can’t wait to meet some new supported employees across both sites.
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