Check out Alex's successful transition from SLES to supported employment then to open employment.
Navigating the transition from high school to employment can be both exciting and daunting, but for young people with a disability, the process can come with its own set of unique challenges. School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES) is an NDIS support that helps young people with a disability kickstart their careers by building up their job skills, confidence, and independence.
For Alex Monger who has Autism, joining Aruma’s SLES program during his final year of high school gave him the confidence to land his first job at one of Aruma’s social enterprises as a Supported Employee. This year, he has moved into open employment at a local café.
“I am really loving my new job at the café! I am so thankful to everyone at Aruma for all their support over the last two years and getting me started on my employment pathway,” shared Alex.
According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, only 48% of working-age Australians with a disability are employed, compared to 80% of people without a disability. Starting the journey early, through supports like SLES, can help more young people like Alex change this narrative.
The SLES program involved small group learning sessions about workplace routines and expectations, coupled with hands-on experience in Aruma’s in-house training café. Here Alex was able to put the theory into practice, while also learning work-ready skills such as food prep, teamwork, customer service, and health and safety.
“As Alex’s independence and confidence grew, so did his responsibilities. He began taking café orders, engaging in daily conversations with customers, and greeting visitors at reception. Then with support, he moved onto trialling work experience in Aruma’s Forensics and Packaging team. Here he got a real taste for working, with eight-hour days, and taking transport to and from work for the very first time,” said Deborah Carter, Aruma Trainer and Facilitator.
Alex’s SLES journey came to an end when he transitioned from work experience to becoming a paid supported employee at Aruma. This was his very first job and pay cheque! However, Alex’s journey didn’t end there. Just a few months later, Alex has taken a significant step in his career by securing a job at a local café.
“Alex and his mum phoned to thank our team. Of course, it is a huge compliment to be told you were a part of making a positive difference in the life of a young person but as I said to Alex and his mum, the credit is all Alex’s. He led the journey, he wanted the outcome, and he found his self-determination. We are so very happy for him and to have had the privilege to share in his journey,” said Deborah.
Aruma is one of the country’s largest disability providers and charities, offering SLES, Supported Employment, Home and Living supports as well as community hubs and flexible support.
There is currently capacity to join Aruma’s SLES programs in Burleigh Heads in Queensland as well as Alstonville, Charlestown, Maitland, and Wyoming, Forbes in New South Wales. To learn more contact Aruma on 1300 538 746 or get in touch via the website.
This story was also featured in the August edition of the Burleigh Wave.
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