8 Facts you didn’t know about Aruma’s Supported Employment

Aruma's Supported Employment helps people with a disability earn their own money, learn new skills and be part of a team.

Firstly, what is Supported Employment? In a nutshell, Supported Employment allows people with a disability to earn their own money, get experience and make friends along the way. At Aruma, our Supported Employees work in all sorts of roles such as, receptionists, biscuit manufacturers, recyclers, tour guides, cooks, and more. There really is something for everyone!

#1. Aruma employs more than 400 people with a disability

We have eight Aruma Businesses across three Australian states/territories (and growing…). Currently you can find our diverse range of professional businesses in Qld, NSW, and the ACT.

Embedded content description: three Facility Services employees enjoying a laugh.

#2. One of Aruma’s Supported Employment Businesses is an extremely popular Australian tourist attraction

You may have seen Summerland Farm recently featured on featured on Better Homes and Gardens. Summerland Farm is a stunning macadamia and avocado farm located in Alstonville in the Ballina hinterland.

#3. Supported Employment at Aruma started as early as the 1960’s

In 1956, 28-year-old Lionel Watts caught what he thought was the flu. In fact, he had contracted polio, which eventually resulted in quadriplegia. Lionel was a young man with a great career but after leaving hospital, he was turned away from countless jobs due to his disability. Lionel realised it must be happening to others too, so he began a journey to make a difference and formed House with No Steps (now Aruma) in 1962 with his wife Dorothy.

#4. The longest reigning Supported Employee has been with Aruma for 49 years!

That’s Kevin from Aussie Biscuits in Forbes. He must make a good biscuit!

Embedded content description: a group photo of the Aussie Biscuits team, wearig their Aussie Biscuits aprons.

#5. Aruma’s Manufacturing business in Newcastle is the only manufacturer of Catenary wire in the Southern hemisphere

That’s the wire you use on the metal clothes lines we all swung on as kids. Also known as the iconic Hills Hoist clothesline, a staple in many Australian backyards.

#6. 1/3 of dialysis machines in Australia use dialysis kits packed by Aruma’s Medical Packs and Supplies business

This Aruma Business is based in Newcastle – they are a leading supplier of over 130 customised medical kits for hospitals and ambulances around Australia.

#7. Since 2004, Aruma has become a leading supplier of forensic investigation kits

Our team provides quality forensic investigation kits to companies across Australia and the Australian Police Force. We are one of only 10 companies in the whole world with ISO 18385 certification.

Embedded content description: a smiling Medical Packs and Forensic Supplies Supported Employee.

#8. Aruma has more than 100 new Supported Employment positions

Want to join the amazing Aruma team? Well, we are hiring and would love to hear from you! We have roles available across all our Aruma Businesses – get in touch to find out what’s available in your area.