Customer and families FAQs: TSA transfer

We’re answering questions that transferring customers and family members may have.

Top 5 FAQs

Got questions about The Salvation Army (TSA) transfer? We thought you might. If you’re a customer or a family member, you might find the below useful.

If we missed any, just get in touch!


In late 2018, TSA decided to review their approach to disability services throughout Australia. This review was all about making sure they could best direct their resources to help them achieve the greatest impact. As a result of this review, TSA decided to transfer its disability services to other providers – including Aruma in Queensland.

We were chosen by TSA because our Values aligned with theirs, and this was a big priority for them.

We were also chosen because we are one of Australia’s leading disability service providers, and we have a lot of experience in successfully transitioning staff and customers from other providers.

Although Aruma is our new name (we were known as House with No Steps and The Tipping Foundation), we’re definitely not the new kids on the block. We have decades of experience supporting people with a disability. That’s the only thing we do, and we know we do it well.

We’re proud to be the trusted partner of over 5000 people with a disability throughout eastern Australia

In recent years, we have successfully transferred over 1600 staff and 1100 customers from the New South Wales and Victorian Government, as well as other providers.

Our team at Aruma has the skill, experience and empathy to help make this transition for you as smooth and positive as possible.

Day one – the day staff and customers will officially be with Aruma – will be Monday 14 October.

More FAQs

Please contact our dedicated customer service team on 1300 538 746 or email our team.

This was a very intentional decision a few years. Hear us out…

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has brought long-awaited change to the disability sector. We were actually an active campaigner and champion for greater choice and control in the lives of people with a disability. We are constantly
evolving, growing and innovating to ensure we provide the best possible service.

So, we changed the way we talk about the people who choose us for their services.

We no longer see people with a disability as ‘service users’, ‘participants’ or ‘clients’ but rather as customers – people truly empowered to make informed decisions about their own lives, choosing the services they need and the organisations who
deliver them.

No, we’re not. But we are guided by our Values and our Purpose, which align to that of TSA.

TSA will also continue to provide chaplaincy, spiritual, church-based and social activities, as requested by you.


We absolute hope they’ll come over to Aruma. Our aim is to ensure your quality of services continues throughout the transition and beyond. We’re running a recruitment process, and we will know the outcome by Friday 20 September.

Absolutely. And we promise that any improvements we make in the future will be done hand-in-hand with you.

You are our number one priority during the transition. You will be at the forefront of every decision made.

You don’t, but we’d love you to.

No, there are no changes to your schedule.

Also no, you will continue to stay in your home.

The first day after transfer should look and feel like the day before. Our intention is that you will be supported by the same staff, in the same services, in the same ways.

Aruma is committed to continuity of services as part of the transfer.

But of course, if there are changes you would like to see in the service you receive, we would like to hear about it.