Aruma slowly returns to COVID-19 normal in Victoria

Aruma is relieved that restrictions are starting to ease, as we look to create the right balance for a COVID-19 normal existence.

November 12, 2020

Along with all Victorians, Aruma is relieved and delighted that restrictions are starting to ease, as we look to create the right balance for a COVID-19 normal existence.

The most recent announcements include changes to the Care Facilities Directions (No 16), which relate to disability services. These changes allow family visits to return in our residential services across Victoria.

There are still limitations on these visits, which are defined in the Care Facilities Directions as:

Only 1 household per day, subject to the density quotient, for a maximum of 2 hours per visit.

This means that 1 or 2 adults from the same household and their dependent children can visit a resident on any given day – but that only one family can visit the service per day.

Andrew Richardson, CEO, Aruma said, We could never have imagined a time when we would need to ask families and friends not to visit their loved ones. We understand just how important your connections are to your happiness and wellbeing.

This pandemic has tested everyone in so many ways. I would like to thank all of our customers, families and staff for accepting these difficult restrictions for the greater good. I can now look forward, once again, to hearing many happy stories of face-to-face visits in our services!

For more information:

Claudia Romero
Phone: 0438 491 101