NDIS price guide changes

In July 2020, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) made changes to the way service providers must bill for some services. Many of these will change on July 1 2021.

New NDIS price guide
June 28, 2021

In July 2020, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) made changes to the way service providers must bill for some services. They required that many of these changes be made by July 1 2021.

As we are fast approaching this date, with further updates to pricing expected from July 2021, we wanted to outline these changes and explain how they will impact the way Aruma charges for the services you receive.

Below is a summary of the key changes – more detail can be found in our NDIS Price Guide Changes guide and this message from our COO.

All Aruma customers

Service agreements and Schedules of Supports

What is the change?
Due to the upcoming changes to the NDIS price guide, our Service Agreements and Schedule of Supports will need to be updated to reflect these changes.

What does this mean?
Your existing Service Agreements will remain in place until your next plan review. At review time, you will be asked to sign a new, updated Service Agreement and Schedule of Supports

Implied Consent

What is the change?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) requires we review your Schedule of Supports with each NDIS Plan review.

Aruma wants to ensure you are always supported, even between plans.

Implied consent will be applied where a Schedule of Supports has not been returned but where we understand that you wish to continue receiving services from Aruma.

What does this mean?
To continue supporting you, we will need you to review, sign and return your updated Schedule of Supports within 7 days of receiving it.

If we do not hear back from you after 28 days, and you continue to receive supports from us, we will accept this as your implied consent and continue to bill for supports provided.

Supported Independent Living Customers

Programs of Support

What is the change?
Supported Independent Living is now considered a Program of Support by the NDIS.

What does it mean?
A Program of Support runs for 12 weeks and is based on individual goals around home and living.

Every 12 weeks, this will be reviewed with you via a Roster of Care consultation process, and then updated or renewed for the following 12 weeks.

Flexible Support Customers

New group billing process

What is the change?
The NDIS price guide no longer allows for set support worker to customer ratios to be applied for group-based supports.

What does it mean?
This means that providers like Aruma need to claim against the appropriate 1:1 support line item in a customer’s plan.

Providers will be able to accurately apportion time spent with a group and among the members of that group.

Providers can also claim for non-face-to-face supports (indirect support) and centre capital costs where a centre or hub is used as a base.

These costs were previously built in to the ratioed price limits but have now been separated out for greater transparency.

Time-based supports

What is the change?
We are changing the way we charge for evening, public holiday and weekend supports to be in line with the NDIS price guide changes.

What does this mean?
In the NDIS price guide, hourly rates are calculated by the day of the week and the time of the day that support is provided. For example, an evening shift (from 8pm) is more expensive than a daytime shift.

Where your support crosses over from one shift type to another (.e. day shift to evening shift), you will be charged the higher price limit for the entire shift.

These changes are effective from 1 July 2021, with the exception of group billing changes which will come into effect on 27 September 2021.

Get in touch

If you have any questions or are worried about how this affects you, please talk to your support staff or get in touch by email or on 1300 538 746.