We love getting feedback in all shapes and sizes from our customers, families and guardians.
Throughout June, more customers shared their views on Aruma’s service, as part of our twice-yearly customer and family feedback survey, thanks to new ways they could respond.
Out of the 371 people who took part in the survey, 192 were customers and 179 were family members or guardians. Some 145 customers accessed the new Easy Read version of the survey, which was introduced with staff training and extra encouragement of staff to support customers in completing the survey.
The last survey we did in November 2021 got 338 responses.
Aruma’s Customer Experience and Strategy General Manager Beata Brodowska said gathering feedback through ways like surveys and making changes to Aruma from that feedback was the key to our organisation helping customers live the life they choose.
Asking for feedback in surveys is an important part of being person-centred and a high-quality disability services provider, Beata said.
While we’ve always encouraged staff to help our customers provide feedback, we’ve introduced the new Easy Read version of our regular survey to give more customers with different communications needs and abilities the chance to fully have their say.
We’re so pleased to have received such brilliant insight from more of our customers because we’ll use that information to make meaningful changes and celebrate what we do well.
Our customers and families told us our strengths are:
The main areas we need to improve relate to:
Aruma is making a range of improvements to make our organisation better and more sustainable, so we can serve our customers well now and into the future. Some initiatives include:
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