Disability Royal Commission

Aruma is committed to doing our part to make the Disability Royal Commission a success and stamp out any mistreatment of people with a disability.

April 29, 2022

The Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability (Disability Royal Commission) was established on 4 April 2019 by the Federal Government of Australia.  

The Disability Royal Commission will look at what should be done to stop people with disability from experiencing violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation. It will also look at ways to make our society more inclusive and better for people with disability.  

The Disability Royal Commission will investigate and report on experiences and conditions in all settings and contexts, including schools, workplaces, jails and detention centres, secure disability and mental health facilities, group homes or boarding houses, family homes, hospitals and day programs. 

The Commission will deliver a final report by 29 September 2023. In this report, the Disability Royal Commission will make recommendations to government about what should change, this will include improvements to laws, policies, structures and practices to ensure a more inclusive and just society. 

Aruma’s support

Aruma strongly supports the Disability Royal Commission.  

It is an opportunity for Australia to raise the bar much higher when it comes to valuing and including people with a disability in our society. 

We are committed to doing our part to make the Disability Royal Commission a success and stamp out any mistreatment of people with a disability. 

Making a submission to the Royal Commission 

A ‘submission’ is the main way people can provide information to the Disability Royal Commission about their experiences of violence, neglect, abuse or exploitation of people with disability. Anybody can make a submission in various ways, including written, verbal or in a private session with a Commissioner.  Registrations for private sessions close on 30 June 2022.  The final date for submissions is 31 December 2022.  

More information can be found on the Disability Royal Commission website.