Working together to make sure your child has Early Intervention Services that are just right for them.
A Transdisciplinary Approach is about having a team who work together to deliver your child’s Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) services.
Depending on your child, this team might include Special Education Teachers, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, and Speech Pathologists, as well as other health professionals and services from your child’s wider support network.
As family members and carers, you will also play an important part of this team.
To coordinate your services and to manage your Transdisciplinary team, each family will have one will have one point of contact – your Key Worker.
While the Key Worker will be the primary contact, the whole team remains involved and the Key Worker will report back to the them regularly.
Your Key Worker could be any member of the Transdisciplinary team including Special Educators, therapists such as Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Pathologists, and Social Workers.
Your Key Worker will aim to:
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