Re-opening of Community Hubs

Our COVID-19 protocols regarding the re-opening of Community Hubs.

Information current as at 23 June 2020

Community Hub Purpose

Aruma continues to follow all World Health Organisation, Australian Government and State health authorities’ advice.

As restrictions start to ease, we’re making changes to our services, and continuing to plan to keep everyone safe at Aruma – our staff, customers, families and carers, contractors and suppliers, business customers, and all others who visit our services.

As we begin to re-open our hubs in a phased and controlled manner, it remains incredibly important that appropriate infection control and response procedures are in place.

This outlines some of the changes to how the hubs operate and what our expectations are of all people accessing the site during this time.

A copy of this will be available at hubs and made available to customers, family and carers, service providers and others who may visit the site. An easy English / social story is also available for those who would prefer this option.

What should you expect from us?

Customers should be dropped off at the front door unless a support person is required to join them.

Staff will meet customers at the door for handover in the morning and the afternoon. Call or ring the doorbell if no one is immediately available at the door. Anyone who wishes to enter our buildings will be temperature tested and is required to sign in before being allowed to enter. This includes/applies to family members, carers, service providers, community transport drivers, taxi drivers, residential staff and all other visitors.

All staff and customers will have their temperature checked and recorded before entering our buildings. If anyone presents with a temperature equal to or greater than 37.5 degrees, they will be asked to return home.

Hand sanitising stations will be available at entrance (with sign in sheets) and in eating areas if hand washing facilities are not present.

A staggered entry and exit may be implemented depending on the site capacity and hours of operation.

To adhere to the 1.5-metre social distancing guidelines recommended by the government, we have measured each room in our buildings to determine the maximum number of people per room. An A4 sign will be on the door or directly beside the doorway of each activity room (including kitchen areas) clearly showing the number of persons who can safely be in that room at the same time (e.g.: “Max Persons = 6”).

Due to limitations of space, customers may only be offered a certain number of days. We understand that customers may prefer more days with us, but we are trying to make things fair and offer everyone a chance to attend. Some customers will be asked to increase their level of supports to cater for their care through this period. This means their NDIS costs may increase.

Where relevant, customers are expected to remain in assigned rooms until their lift has arrived to pick them up. This will avoid crowding in common areas.

Professional cleaners are scheduled for a daily building clean.

High touch surfaces will be cleaned and marked off on a cleaning roster.

Customer’s individual timetables may look different, it will only include the days we are offering, location, staff, times and costs for each customer.

Customers may not be in activities with their preferred staff.

If illness presents during the day, Aruma will provide care with appropriate Personal Protective Equipment until the customer can be collected.

What do we expect from you?

To provide transport to and from Aruma locations (unless using the Aruma bus run services).

To remain in cars until you can see it’s not crowded at the entry of the building.

To use hand sanitiser before entering the building (available on entry).

To stay home if you or the customers have cold or flu-like symptoms or are generally unwell.

To understand you / customers will be asked to return home if you present with such symptoms or have a temperature equal to or above 37.5 degrees.

If customers require medication administration, please remember to supply their Webster pack and treatment sheet before you resume service.

Site and contact details

For more information on the above, queries regarding programs or general enquires please get in touch with our team.