Enjoy this spacious home in Melbourne's northern suburbs with Merri Creek trail at the end of the street. Applications managed by DFFH. (Property ID: 3058-1-SDA)
There is currently 1 vacancy available, ready for the new resident to add their own furnishings and belongings.
Current residents are males and females aged 55-56 years. They enjoy spending time together, but mostly enjoy their individual activities. Noise levels are generally kept to a minimum as the current residents enjoy a peaceful and relaxing home environment.
The home currently offers support seven days a week with an active night support model.
Housing Provider This property is managed by Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH). Their role is to create equal opportunities for all Victorians to live a safe, respected and valued life.
To apply for this vacancy you must have funding for Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) in your NDIS plan. You will be required to pay rent and utilities, and you or your important person must sign an agreement.
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