Recently something – or someone in particular – has been helping Sarah, our customer in Victoria, feel happy and healthy. That someone is a very cute Maltese Shih Tzu cross named Bazz!
Before Sarah came to our service, she had lived in a house with a resident pup who she loved, but our staff had noticed that Sarah was missing him.
So… our team had an idea, and Bazz joined the team!
Bazz was very kindly donated to the household by one of our Support Workers, and when he arrived at his new home, he greeted his new housemates before making himself comfortable on Sarah’s lap.
Since, Bazz seems to have taken a real shine to Sarah, and vice versa! They go for walks together, but are also just happy sitting and spending time together and sharing a cuddle!
Not only has it been the start of a wonderful new friendship, staff have also seen Sarah smiling more, using both hands more often, and even working on her communication skills with him! She also has new responsibilities in the home, volunteering to make sure he is fed, has fresh water every day, and gets his daily treat!
Looking after Bazz has added real joy and valuable companionship to her life.
Bazz is now loved by all residents, but his bond with Sarah really is something special
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