Aruma welcomes some international special guests

Representatives from the Disabled Student Support Center at Kyungpook National University, South Korea visit the Frenchs Forest office.

January 29, 2025

At the start of January, Aruma welcomed representatives from the Disabled Student Support Center at Kyungpook National University, South Korea to the Frenchs Forest office.

The University proposed the visit because they had heard of the amazing work, we do here at Aruma, and they wanted to learn from us.

On the day a total of 15 students with disability and 4 staff members from the University travelled to our head office, where they were greeted by Chief Operating Officer Lylea McMahon, NSW/ACT Community Manager Wayne Adamson, and Operations Manager Employment Caz Tooley.

Representing a range of areas at Aruma, Lylea, Wayne and Caz gave a presentation on Aruma and the NDIS, covering:

  • What is the NDIS
  • What we do at Aruma and our services
  • Insights from the business sector
  • Employment Support Services
  • Community Support Services

The Disabled Student Support Center hopes to continue researching global best practices so they can enhance the academic experience and wellbeing of students with disability.

“On behalf of our delegation, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude for hosting us at Aruma. The informative session about Aruma, the NDIS, and your comprehensive support services was truly enlightening. Thank you for your hospitality and for making our visit such a memorable experience,” said Shasilia Lee from the University.

“We were deeply impressed by the warmth and professionalism of your team, as well as the thoughtful arrangements made to accommodate our delegation. Everyone in our group left inspired and motivated by the impactful work being done at Aruma.”

We hope to create more meaningful partnerships in 2025.


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